2020年8月14日(金) August 14, 2020 |
樽の洗浄 Cleaning Casks |
He is cleaning casks for whisky. This is the first year of whisky production
with a lot of trial and error. Whisky has to be distilled and and long
aged in casks, that is the biggest difference from sake. We are so excited
to see how the flavor will change in casks after years.
2020年8月9日(日) August 9, 2020 |
ご来店時は、手指の消毒を! Sterilizing with Citrus 66 |
店に入ると、蔵製造の「シトラス66 エタノール製剤」が置いてあります。この商品の香りは柑橘系、グリセリン配合で乾燥を抑えます。どうぞお使いください。マスクのご着用もお願いいたします。
Citrus 66, high concentrate ethanol, welcomes you in our sake shop. Citrus
scent makes you relaxed and glycerin prevents your hand from drying. Please
wear mask when visiting us.

2020年8月7日(金) August 7, 2020 |
職人技 Craftsmanship |
Production of Whisky has started in imperfect facilities. They made
the base of the tanks and gutter today. Craftsmanship never bores us. |
2020年8月3日(月) August 3, 2020 |
スーパームーンの前日 The Day before Supermoon |
Accidentally took a photo of the moon on the day before Supermoon. It
looks fabulous even on the day before.

2020年8月2日(日) August 2, 2020 |
日曜マルシェ! Sunday Marche |
富士河口湖町 栄正水産様の企画にて日曜マルシェが開催されました。井出醸造店でも出店しました。11:00からはマグロの解体ショーが始まり、皆さん声を出さずに心の中で「ワォー!」と叫んでいたと思います。井出醸造店では、お酒の一杯売り、日本酒アイス、ジュースなど、その他燻製屋さんやアクセサリー、トウモロコシなどいろいろなお店が出ていました。
Sunday Marche was held by Eisyo Fish Mart in Kawaguchiko. IDE Sake Brewery
participated in it, too. Many people came and enjoyed tuna dismantling,
smoked food, sake of one glass selling, ice cream and more.

Seminar started right on time.

The representative talked about virus and other microorganism comparing
their size, the production process of various alcohol beverages, and of
course the production of whisky as well.

Whisky factory tour was done in the heavy rain.
After the factory tour, participants enjoyed tasting of Junmai with some
side dishes in the historical house.
Our original nihonshu ice cream was also served.
2020年7月25日(土) July 25, 2020 |
第2回 酒蔵で今を楽しむ会 The 2nd Special Seminar and Tour, 'Whisky and Sake' |
The 2nd Special Seminar was held. It was a bit bad weather. Thank you
for participating in it.
Click above to apply for the following seminars.
2020年7月19日(日) July 19, 2020 |
河口湖に白鳥です。Swans at The Lake |
There are parent and children of swans in Lake Kawaguchi. They look relaxed
at the bank today.
2020年7月7日(火) July 7, 2020 |
虹が! Rainbow! |
It's July 7 known as Tanabata Star Festival. It's been rainy but the rainbow
showed up.

2020年7月1日(水) July 1, 2020 |
富士北麓でウイスキー製造!!! Producing whisky at the northern foot of Mt. Fuji ! !
! |
今週からいよいよ新規事業 ウイスキー製造が始まります。7月25日(土)には、代表 井出與五右衞門がウイスキー製造所をご案内したり、日本酒とウイスキーの違いまたは日本酒の雑学等、わかりやすくお話をさせていただきます。
This week we start our new project, production of whisky. Monthly seminar
will be held on July 25 when the representive of the brewery will show
around the whisky factory and talk about whisky, sake, and more. Seminar
and tour are done in Japanese.
Click above to apply.
2020年7月1日(水) July 1, 2020 |
お猪口が大変身! Sake cups for other use |
Flower arrangement using sake cups. Small lava rocks are set inside to
hold flowers.
Lava can absorb more water, so it seems to keep flowers fresh. Why don't
you try it?
IDE Sake Brewery and IDE Liquor Sales sell various sakewares that make
your sake life enjoyable. Please stop by.

2020年6月30日(火) June 30, 2020 |
酒蔵 梅林の梅の実の漬け込み Making Umeshu |
The production of Umeshu, plum liqueur. Plums from our plum grove are used,
too. Even a small number of germs or bacteria can spoil a whole tank, so
it is necessary to wash and sterilize them, and operate well enough when
making plum liqueur with sake.
2020年6月27日(土) June 27, 2020 |
第1回 酒蔵で今を楽しむ会(蔵見学&仏陀) The 1st. Special Seminar and Tour, 'Buddha' |
今日は第一回目の「酒蔵で今を楽しむ会」が開催されました。圓通寺 田村住職にお話をしていただき、その後奥座敷でお酒を試飲していただきました。
The 1st. Special Seminar was held today. Buddism Priest Tamura came to
talk about Buddha and then every participant enjoyed tasting sake in the
historical room.
We are going to hold various monthly seminar starting in June. Click above
for more information.
2020年6月12日(金) June 12, 2020 |
杜氏さんちの小松菜 Sake master's spinach |
初沢杜氏さんちの自家菜園 小松菜をいただきました。少しの虫食いが無農薬をアピールしています。今夜いただきます。ご馳走様!
Organinc mastard spinach from our sake master Hatsuzawa-san's garden. It
looks so fresh.
2020年6月11日(木) June 11, 2020 |
美味しそう! Looks delicious! |
Matsumaru-kun cooked a nice dish for sake. Made with sake lees, potatoes,
carrots, kimchi, mayonnaise, salt and pepper.
Thank you, Matsumaru-kun!
2020年6月9日(火) June 9, 2020 |
「〇〇」の花 Poppies |
Poppies are blooming soon. They look so pretty.
2020年5月18日(月) May 18, 2020 |
新型コロナウイルスによる感染拡大に伴い、殺菌用アルコール製品が十分にない事に伴い、弊社で高濃度エタノール製品「Citrus66」を発売することに伴い、富士河口湖役場に寄付させていただきました。原料用アルコールがなかなか手に入らないため、わずかしか生産することが出来ませんでしたので、少量ではありますが、お役に立てれば幸いです。 |
We donated 'Citrus 66', high concentrate ethanol, to the town of Fujikawaguchiko
in order to resolve the shortage of sterilizing alcoholic product. |
2020年5月15日(金) May 15, 2020 |
我が家の「クマガイソウ」 Kumagaisou, Cypripedium japonicum |
There Kumagaisous blooming in the garden of the house. They are so delicate
that they are only to grow under the proper condition of soil, temperature,
and light.
2020年5月1日(金) May 1, 2020 |
中庭の紅葉と大石さん Maple tree in the garden with Oishi-san |
There is an old maple tree in the garden. This maple has yellowish and
reddish leaves in spring. She is a guide of brewery tour. We are looking
forward to seeing many visitors again.
2020年5月1日(金 ) May 1, 2020 |
中庭の紅葉と社長と桑原さん Maple with president and Kuwabara-san |
Another photo of the maple |
2020年4月22日(水) April 22, 2020 |
ちょっと肌寒いです。 松丸君は元気です。 A bit chilly |
It's a little chilly today. Brewers are busy doing operations and cleansing
everything. Matsumaru-kun is doing great.
2020年4月6日(月) April 6, 2020 |
桜一輪 Cherry blossom |
There is a weeping cherry at the gate. Everyone in the brewery has waited
for the first bloom. It was today! |
2020年4月4日(土) April 4, 2020 |
カタクリの花 Japanese dogtooth violet |
Japanese dogtooth violets are in full bloom on the backyard slope.
2020年4月3日(金) April 3, 2020 |
「皆造」 ’Kaizou' |
「皆造」 今期の酒造りが今日で全て終わりました。後の仕事はてんこ盛りですが、とりあえず無事に造りが終わり、座敷でお夕飯。お疲れさまでした。ありがとうございました。
All of the sake brewing for this term has just finished today. It's called
'kaizou'. Exchanging glasses and having dinner after completion of sake
producion even though they still have a lot of things to do.
Thank you so much for your hard work!
2019年2月17日(水) February 17, 2019 |
暖かいです It's warmer today. |
蔵の若手No.1 松丸君です。 今年の調子はどうですか?
The youngest brewer, Matsumaru-kun is stiring the moromi mash. How is the
condition of sake this year?